Monday, May 18, 2009

Guangzhou Opera House,

Guangzhou Opera House,
Guangzhou, China
The Guangzhou Opera House design considered the opera as a new expressive icon for the city, recreating city life by
means of interaction, convergence and overlap of activities,
together with the surrounding buildings in the Cultural and
Arts Square becoming a focal point of active urban life through
its museum, library and youth centre. Main building elements
are the elevated, massive, cubic volumes of the theatres, composed in two sculptural blocks: the opera block with the auditorium, stage, fly tower and backstage building; and the multi- purpose hall block. A third sculpture is placed in the centre of the composition and serves as connector between the two theatres. The glazed tube-like lobby skin is the space of convergence, where public events and exclusive private functions overlap in one fluid space and from here, stairs and vertical circulation cores access the private functions above –this tube is open with energy lines reaching out into the plaza and towards the museum. At the back and around the main auditorium the tube skin encloses the exclusive opera lobby and from here a grand staircase with escalators and elevators
lead up to the main Opera House auditorium. Completed 2002.

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